This application is to be used as a guide/reference in approval of rescue partnerships with our organization, to ensure rescues are being fully and properly screened with regard to each pet's safety and well-being.
This application must be completed in full. Your personal information will only be used as part of this application and will never be shared without your permission. All applicants will receive a response from The Unforgotten Souls as quickly as we can. We do know that the dogs are at risk and do our very best to get the dogs to rescue as quickly as possible.
Rescues approved to pull dogs through us will be notified within 24 hours of receiving the application and all required documents. TUS reserves the right to refuse partnership with any rescue group without explanation if it is deemed to be in the best interest of the animal. Any pledges for the dog being pulled will be provided to the rescue after all pledges are fulfilled, which can take up to 30 days. We subtract any PayPal fees, pull fee (if not your first time pulling), any misc. items we had to pay for (ie. health certificate, special request medical etc.) then send what's left.