Fostering Saves Lives
New foster homes are desperately needed. Rescues have to make the difficult decisions between whom they can take into their rescue and whom they have to leave behind because they don’t have enough open foster homes to take them all.
Fostering pays BIG TIME in loving kisses, long cuddles, and endless adventures. One look into the eyes of your foster pet, knowing that you may very well be the only reason they are still on this earth, and your heart will be full of joy and pride. It is an amazingly rewarding experience that can give your life purpose and fulfillment. Just ask any other foster parent!
Fostering is a wonderful gift that you can give to animals in need. Only by those opening their hearts and homes to an animal in need can we continue to save lives. Fosters are an invaluable, wonderful group of people who endure all the highs and lows of pet ownership, only to let the animals they have loved so much and worked so hard for go…. so that they can help another! They are unselfish, caring, loving, patient people and without them, the rescue system could not work.
Please consider fostering if you are someone who:
is dog-experienced
is a dedicated leash walker or has a securely fenced yard
has a good relationship with a vet and charges reasonable fees or gives a rescue discount
can separate dogs and cats with gates or crates if necessary
is able to evaluate a dog’s behavior and temperament
likes a challenge, who has patience, who has determination and a commitment to rescue
finds the satisfaction in turning over the leash to the dog’s new forever home
lives in New Hanover, Brunswick or Columbus Counties in North Carolina
Fosters can have other pets in their home but dogs must be spayed/neutered and maintained on heartworm preventative.
If you are interested in fostering a dog for The Unforgotten Souls (TUS), please complete the application below: