About Us
The Unforgotten Souls arose from a need. A need to significantly reduce the senseless euthanasia of dogs in a rural, underfunded, understaffed county shelter.
Every day countless dogs are surrendered or found by Animal Control, flooding the Columbus County Animal Shetler with malnourished, unvaccinated, often heartworm positive dogs, under-socialized dogs.
Founded in 2016, The Unforgotten Souls (TUS) was approved by the Internal Revenue Service as a 501c3 non-profit organization in January 2018. TUS is dedicated to saving the lives of companion animals to decrease the euthanasia rate of high kill shelters by educating communities on spay and neuter, bringing awareness to animal cruelty, and raising money for basic medical needs for the animals at the shelter.
The Unforgotten Souls began our mission helping a small shelter located in Columbus County, NC. In recent years we have grown and help where we can in Southeastern NC. By raising funds for the dogs we have been able to: pay for dogs to be spayed/neutered, receive life-saving vaccines (except rabies), arrange for medical care for illness/injury, food when the shelter is out, beds, weeping boxes among other things all for the dogs. We do our very best to help every dog who comes through the door; there is still not a guarantee they will be saved. Some dogs come in sicker or injured than we can help, or they have some very serious behavior issues that can’t be modified.
The Unforgotten Souls will never take a chance with anyone’s safety (human or animal). We raise and collect pledges for rescues who pull dogs and donate the funds to the rescues once the dog leaves the shelter. We never know how many dogs will come in each day. We want these dogs to go to new homes or rescues that are better than where they came from so they can be loved as part of a family for the rest of their lives, that is our daily goal.
We pledge to be very honest, and transparent in everything we do. If you have any questions about ANYTHING please send us a message and we are always happy to answer, just give us time since we aren’t always available. We are all volunteers and do not get paid for anything we do for these dogs. Most of us work full-time jobs in various fields and do this in our "spare time".
The Unforgotten Souls is very happy to have such a great relationship with the new shelter Director, and we foresee nothing but good things for the future of these dogs at the shelter. We are so lucky to have the volunteers who help, Facebook followers who help us to help all these souls remain Unforgotten by sharing, tagging, pledging.
Only good things to come!
Thank you all for taking the time to better understand our mission.